Is Clenbuterol really effective for rapid weight loss?

What is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol is not an anabolic-androgenic steroid but has similar effects when it comes to rapid weight loss and body development. Clenbuterol is a sympathomimetic amine that works as a stimulant to increase the oxygen supply to the lungs. This drug was manufactured to meet the medical needs of certain lung disorders and breathing problems in humans like asthma, COPD etc. However, in recent times, this drug is more used for non-medical purposes like weight reduction and stamina building. The drug is available for oral consumption or in injection form. If you go through the reviews for weight loss in various bodybuilding forums and groups, you will find mixed reactions for Clenbuterol.

Clenbuterol – Benefits and side-effects

A bodybuilder or an athlete can use Clenbuterol for fat-burning and body-building purpose. It has several short-term benefits that can increase the metabolism in the human body resulting in rapid weight loss, improved digestion and increased heart rate. The ingredients found in Clenbuterol can help in producing energy in the body. That gives an increased energy level and an enhanced stamina to perform well. However, there are mixed reviews for weight loss as many athletes say it is not as good as the popular anabolic steroids.

The fact is it might be useful to shed a few pounds if you already have a lean physique. But, it is not very much effective for overweight or obese people. You can combine it with other drugs to get faster results. The ideal dosage for Clenbuterol for men is 80 mcg to 140 mcg daily. 20mcg consumption is advised by doctors to treat breathing problems. The higher the dosage, the greater are the risks of having adverse effects on the body. When it comes to analysing the long-term effects of Clenbuterol, it is certainly not worth risking your health to achieve the temporary goals in life. The common side-effects of Clenbuterol include:

  • Accelerated heart and breath rate
  • Stomach problems or diarrhoea
  • Nausea or vomiting

Typically the side-effects remain up to one year after discontinuing the consumption of Clenbuterol.


Clenbuterol – where to buy them?

Because of the side-effects and potential for drug abuses, Clenbuterol is not a legal drug to be sold in most countries. Many international sporting organisations have also banned the use of Clenbuterol along with the steroids among the athletes. But, athletes and sportsperson seeking to purchase Clenbuterol can easily get them from the black market resources. There are many online stores who provide easy-handling and doorstep delivery of these drugs while keeping your identity secret. So, despite the adverse effects Clenbuterol and the strict legal norms, it is still in demand. However, this is not legal and no doctor will prescribe you Clenbuterol so you need to decide on the dosage on your own. Also, you must be cautious about the legal process and make sure not to engage in any legal hassles. It is best to go through the bodybuilding and athletes forums for a recommendation of dosage and brands.